Summer Academy Camps
2D Animation
In this dynamic week-long experience, discover the magic behind 2D animation—a medium that empowers artists to produce professional-level work using increasingly affordable and accessible digital tools. Immerse yourself in the foundational principles of animation, mastering the art of storyboarding and crafting concise narratives through various approaches to 2D animation. From traditional hand-drawn techniques to the fascinating world of rotoscoping, explore the very methods employed in the creation of beloved animated shows like Bob’s Burgers and Adventure Time. Learn to storyboard and create a concise story using various approaches to 2D animation and turn your dreams into reality.
Age: | 13-17 |
Course Date: | June 3 – 7, 2024 |
Course Date Info: | 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. |
Address: | UGA Center for Continuing Education & Hotel |
Location Info: | Classrooms are located around campus, and students may travel by foot, bus or university vehicle to get to classrooms or other camp activities. More details will be available in the welcome email sent out three weeks before camp begins. |
Cost: | Day Camp – $500 |
Course Number: | 1758-001 |
Some basic computer knowledge is required, but this course is designed for students with little to no experience in digital animation.
Anna Corbould
Anna Corbould grew up in England, where she studied Music and Drama at the University of Roehampton and the University of Manchester. After working for Apple for ten years teaching customers how to use software to edit music, videos and photos, she moved to Athens to study at UGA. She graduated with her MFA in Dramatic Media production in May 2019 after completing the Rosetta Theatre Project, an interdisciplinary, multi-media installation incorporating motion capture and 3D animation in performances of Romeo and Juliet and Tartuffe. This is her fifth year teaching for Summer Academy.
Edom Kassaye
Edom Kassaye is a third-year graduate student at the University of Georgia where she is pursuing her MFA in Dramatic Media. Her area of interest is 3D animation. She earned her BFA in Animation and Visual Effects from Austin Peay State University. During her time there, she wrote, animated, and directed a mixed media animation short, Solomonic dynasty in a nutshell. She has also participated in recent UGA projects, including Alcestis and Gem of the Ocean. This is Edom’s third year as a Summer Academy Instructor.