Georgia Center Staff Feature
Matt Bradshaw
The spirit of service to others before self comes naturally to Matt Bradshaw

Kensie Poor
Matthew Bradshaw
Photographer Abby Benefield
Matt is the Facilities Maintenance Foreman, and his service has kept the Georgia Center functioning smoothly since 2014. He understands well the impact self-sacrifice and volunteerism have on a community. A certified emergency medical responder and volunteer firefighter, he embodies the core values of the Georgia Center, calling for collaboration and empathy, creating meaningful impact through interactions, and a commitment to excellence through service.
“We’re all cut from the same cloth. If you can help someone, you do it simply because it’s right and not for personal gain. When I lay my head down at night, I want to know that I did my best for others,” he says.
In line with service to others, his father served in the Marine Corps, and Matt was born in Bermuda while his father was stationed there, moving next to California. Growing up in Los Angeles, Matt became fluent in Spanish and returned to Georgia at 17. Matt’s wife of sixteen years, Steffanie, works in the community service industry at the Wilkes County Parks & Recreation division. This couple knows something about family bonds, raising nine children and welcoming eight grandchildren.
“Family is everything. It’s not just blood, though. It’s the unity, comfort, support, and being there for each other that matters most,” Matt says. He’s there for his family but also steps up at the Georgia Center when his team needs him most.
“In 2019, Matt’s leadership was on full display when the maintenance team experienced near-full turnover with the retirement of three 30-year veterans. Matt hung on as we transitioned through part-time assistance and the rebuilding of our department. He fully embodies the spirit of hospitality and is a fantastic problem solver. He is enjoyable to work with and treats guests and co-workers with the same respect he would offer our VIP guests,” says facilities management department head Emily Newdow.
Known to his team as the “MacGyver” of the Georgia Center, his co-workers and the surrounding communities are lucky to have such a dedicated and talented individual working compassionately and diligently on their behalf.